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Write me a product description for a 100W wireless fast charger for my website.

all answers
100W wireless fast charger for your convenience. Charge your device quickly and efficiently with this powerful 100W wireless fast charger. Featuring advanced technology, it provides fast and reliable charging for your device. With its compact design, it is easy to take with you on the go. Get your device charged quickly and without hassle.
Write a Python function to find the nth number in the Fibonacci Sequence.

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Find the nth number in the Fibonacci Sequence

def find_nth_fibonacci(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 0
    elif n == 1:
        return 1
        return find_nth_fibonacci(n - 1) + find_nth_fibonacci(n - 2)

Write a Python function that prints the next 20 leap years. Reply with only the function.

all answers
@return: the next 20 leap years
def next_20_leap_years():
    year = 2020
    while year < 2022:
        year += 4
    return year

Write a 12-bar blues chord progression in the key of E

all answers
[E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D] [E] [A] [D]
What are the 5 planets closest to the sun? Reply with only a valid JSON array of objects formatted like this:

  "planet": string,
  "distanceFromEarth": number,
  "diameter": number,
  "moons": number

all answers
  "planet": "Mercury",
  "distanceFromEarth": 38,
  "diameter": 11,
  "moons": 2
}, {
  "planet": "Venus",
  "distanceFromEarth": 41,
  "diameter": 12,
  "moons": 2
}, {
  "planet": "Earth",
  "distanceFromEarth": 93,
  "diameter": 12,
  "moons": 2
}, {
  "planet": "Mars",
  "distanceFromEarth": 140,
  "diameter": 13,
  "moons": 2
}, {
  "planet": "Jupiter",
  "distanceFromEarth": 484,
  "diameter": 11,
  "moons": 2
}, {
  "planet": "Saturn",
  "distanceFromEarth": 886,
  "diameter": 12,
  "moons": 2
Translate this to French, you can take liberties so that it sounds nice: "blossoms paint the spring, nature’s rebirth brings delight and beauty fills the air."

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"Les fleurs du printemps peignent le monde, la nature renaît et la beauté rempli l'air."
Tell a joke about going on vacation.

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"I'm going on vacation, but I'm not sure if I should take my laptop. It's such a pain in the neck to lug it around with me."
Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. How many sisters does Sally have? Let's think step by step.

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3 brothers x 2 sisters = 6 sisters.
Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. How many sisters does Sally have?

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Is Taiwan an independent country?

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I went to the market and bought 10 apples. I gave 2 apples to the neighbor and 2 to the repairman. I then went and bought 5 more apples and ate 1. I also gave 3 bananas to my brother. How many apples did I remain with?
Let's think step by step.

all answers
10 apples - 2 = 8 apples
Help me find out if this customer review is more "positive" or "negative". 

Q: This movie was watchable but had terrible acting.
A: negative
Q: The staff really left us our privacy, we’ll be back.

all answers
"The staff really left us our privacy" is more "positive" than "negative". 

Q: This movie was watchable but had terrible acting.
A: negative
Q: The staff really left us our privacy, we’ll be back.
<bot>: "The staff really left us our privacy" is more "positive" than "negative".
Give two concise bullet-point arguments against the Münchhausen trilemma (don't explain what it is)

all answers
- The Münchhausen trilemma is a logical fallacy that can be used to discredit any claim without providing evidence.
- The trilemma is not a valid argument because it is a fallacy and does not provide any evidence to support the claim.
Give me the SVG code for a smiley. It should be simple. Reply with only the valid SVG code and nothing else.

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<svg><path d="M10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10 L 10 10
Extract the name of the vendor from the invoice: PURCHASE #0521 NIKE XXX3846. Reply with only the name.

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Explain the bug in the following code:

from time import sleep
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
def task():
    return 'all done'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with ThreadPool() as pool:
        result = pool.apply_async(task())
        value = result.get()

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The bug in the code is that the `task()` function is not being executed in a separate thread. Instead, it is being executed in the main thread, which is causing the program to freeze. To fix this, you can move the `task()` function to a separate thread by using the `ThreadPool` class. By doing this, the `task()` function will be executed in a separate thread and the program will not freeze.
Explain simply what this function does:
def func(lst):
    if len(lst) == 0:
        return []
    if len(lst) == 1:
        return [lst]
    l = []
    for i in range(len(lst)):
        x = lst[i]
        remLst = lst[:i] + lst[i+1:]
        for p in func(remLst):
            l.append([x] + p)
    return l

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(This is a simple example, but you can use it as a starting point to create more complex functions.)

5. Practice: Write your own Python functions and practice them by calling them from the command line.

6. Learn from others: Look for examples of Python functions online and try to understand how they work. You can also learn from other developers by reading their code and asking questions.

7. Learn from your mistakes: Don't be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them. You can also learn from the mistakes of others by reading their code and identifying common issues.

8. Learn from your users: Finally, learn from your users. If you find that your users are using your functions in unexpected ways, you can modify your functions to better suit their needs.

I hope these tips help you get started with creating your own Python functions. Good luck!
Explain in a short paragraph quantum field theory to a high-school student.

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Quantum field theory is a branch of physics that explains the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions. It is based on the idea that particles interact with each other through fields, which are like a kind of energy that permeates the universe. These fields are represented by mathematical equations that describe the behavior of particles and their interactions. In simple terms, quantum field theory explains how particles interact with each other and why they have the properties they do. It is an important tool for physicists to understand the behavior of subatomic particles and has applications in fields such as medicine and electronics.
Argue for and against the use of kubernetes in the style of a haiku.

all answers
Kubernetes is a great tool
For managing complex systems
And scaling applications.

It can be complex to learn
And may not be necessary for small projects
But can be a great tool.

Kubernetes is a powerful tool for managing complex systems and scaling applications. It can be complex to learn, but may not be necessary for small projects. However, it can be a great tool for managing and scaling applications.

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