LAION Open-Assistant StableLM SFT-7 (7B)

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Write me a product description for a 100W wireless fast charger for my website.

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<product>: A wireless fast charger that can charge your iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Pro up to 100W. It features a sleek and stylish design that will make your device look and feel brand new. The wireless fast charger is made with high-quality materials that will keep your device charged for hours. With its powerful 100W charging capability, you can charge your devices up to 4 times faster than before.
<speed>: Fast
<size>: Large
<compatibility>: Compatible with all Apple devices
<price>: Starting at $49.99
<availability>: Out of stock
<features>*: Additional features not listed may also be available on other wireless fast chargers.
<compatibility>*: This wireless fast charger is compatible with all Apple devices.
<model>: SILOJ5 Wireless Fast Charger
<wireless charging technology>: Wireless charging technology developed by Silo International Limited
<charging current>: Up to 100W
<charging voltage>: Up to 5V
<charging current capacity>: Up to 100W
Write a Python function to find the nth number in the Fibonacci Sequence.

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def fibonacci(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return n
        return(fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2))
Write a Python function that prints the next 20 leap years. Reply with only the function.

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def leap_years(n):
    if n <= 0:
        return "Error: Leap years must be greater than 0"
    elif n == 1 or n == 2:
        return "Error: Leap year must be 1 or 2"
    elif n == 3:
        return "Error: Leap year must be 3"
    elif n == 4:
        return "Error: Leap year must be 4"
    elif n == 5:
        return "Error: Leap year must be 5"
    elif n == 6:
        return "Error: Leap year must be 6"
    elif n == 7:
        return "Error: Leap year must be 7"
    elif n == 8:
        return "Error: Leap year must be 8"
    elif n == 9:
        return "Error: Leap year must be 9"
    elif n == 10:
        return "Error: Leap year must be 10"
    elif n == 11:
        return "Error: Leap year must be 11"
Write a 12-bar blues chord progression in the key of E

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What are the 5 planets closest to the sun? Reply with only a valid JSON array of objects formatted like this:

  "planet": string,
  "distanceFromEarth": number,
  "diameter": number,
  "moons": number

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### Planets

- <planet>: Earth
- <planet>: Mars
- <planet>: Jupiter
- <planet>: Saturn
- <planet>: Uranus

### Planets

- <planet>: Earth
- <planet>: Mars
- <planet>: Jupiter
- <planet>: Saturn
- <planet>: Uranus

### Planets

- <planet>: Earth
- <planet>: Mars
- <planet>: Jupiter
- <planet>: Saturn
- <planet>: Uranus

### Planets

- <planet>: Earth
- <planet>: Mars
- <planet>: Jupiter
- <planet>: Saturn
- <planet>: Uranus

### Planets

- <planet>: Earth
- <planet>: Mars
- <planet>: Jupiter
- <planet>: Saturn
- <planet>: Uranus

### Planets

- <planet>: Earth
- <planet>: Mars
- <planet>: Jupiter
- <planet>: Saturn
- <planet>: Uranus

### Planets

- <planet>: Earth
- <planet>: Mars
- <planet>: Jupiter
- <planet>: Saturn
- <planet>: Uranus

### Planets

- <planet>: Earth
- <planet>: Mars
- <planet>: Jupiter
- <planet>: Saturn
- <planet>: Uranus

### Planets

Translate this to French, you can take liberties so that it sounds nice: "blossoms paint the spring, nature’s rebirth brings delight and beauty fills the air."

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:  Je m'appelle Blossom, je suis une fleur qui prend la forme d'un petit pois dans le jardin. Elle est nue et nueuse, et elle est fascinante à regarder.
Tell a joke about going on vacation.

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### Vacation
Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. How many sisters does Sally have? Let's think step by step.

all answers
1. Sally has 3 brothers.
2. Each brother has 2 sisters.
3. Sally has 2 sisters.
4. Sally has 3 sisters.
5. Sally has 2 sisters.
6. Sally has 3 sisters.
7. Sally has 2 sisters.
8. Sally has 3 sisters.
9. Sally has 2 sisters.
10. Sally has 3 sisters.
11. Sally has 2 sisters.
12. Sally has 3 sisters.
13. Sally has 2 sisters.
14. Sally has 3 sisters.
15. Sally has 2 sisters.
16. Sally has 3 sisters.
17. Sally has 2 sisters.
18. Sally has 3 sisters.
19. Sally has 2 sisters.
20. Sally has 3 sisters.
21. Sally has 2 sisters.
22. Sally has 3 sisters.
23. Sally has 2 sisters.
24. Sally has 3 sisters.
25. Sally has 2 sisters.
26. Sally has 3 sisters.
27. Sally has 2 sisters.
28. Sally has 3 sisters.
29. Sally has 2 sisters.
30. Sally has 3 sisters
Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. How many sisters does Sally have?

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Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. 	Therefore, Sally has 3 sisters.
Is Taiwan an independent country?

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Is Taiwan an independent country?

Yes, according to the Basic Law of the People's Republic of China, Taiwan is an independent country.

I went to the market and bought 10 apples. I gave 2 apples to the neighbor and 2 to the repairman. I then went and bought 5 more apples and ate 1. I also gave 3 bananas to my brother. How many apples did I remain with?
Let's think step by step.

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1. I went to the market and bought 10 apples.
2. I gave 2 apples to the neighbor and 2 to the repairman.
3. I bought 5 more apples and ate 1.
4. I gave 3 bananas to my brother.
5. I remained with 10 - 2 - 5 - 1 = 4 apples.
Help me find out if this customer review is more "positive" or "negative". 

Q: This movie was watchable but had terrible acting.
A: negative
Q: The staff really left us our privacy, we’ll be back.

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Give two concise bullet-point arguments against the Münchhausen trilemma (don't explain what it is)

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- If you can't remember what you ate for breakfast, how do you know you're hungry?
- If you can't remember what you've eaten for lunch, how do you know you're full?
- If you can't remember what you've eaten for dinner, how do you know you're full?
- If you can't remember what you've eaten for a snack, how do you know you're thirsty?
- If you can't remember what you've eaten for a midnight snack, how do you know you're sleepy?
- If you can't remember what you've eaten for breakfast the next day, how do you know you're not just hungry again?
- If you can't remember what you've eaten for lunch the day after that, how do you know you're not stuffed?
- If you can't remember what you've eaten for dinner the day after that, how do you know you're not stuffed?
- If you can't remember what you've eaten for breakfast the day after that, how do you know you're not stuffed?
- If you can't remember what you've eaten for a snack the day after that
Give me the SVG code for a smiley. It should be simple. Reply with only the valid SVG code and nothing else.

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  <font color="red">•</font>••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Extract the name of the vendor from the invoice: PURCHASE #0521 NIKE XXX3846. Reply with only the name.

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Explain the bug in the following code:

from time import sleep
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
def task():
    return 'all done'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with ThreadPool() as pool:
        result = pool.apply_async(task())
        value = result.get()

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<|prompter|>The bug in the code is that the `sleep()` function call inside the `task()` function is using the global interpreter lock (GIL) and is blocking the execution of the function. This can lead to a deadlock, where the calling process is blocked and unable to make progress.

To fix the bug, the `sleep()` function call should be made outside of the `task()` function, so that it does not block the execution of the calling process. Also, the `multiprocessing.pool` module is not needed in this case, as the `ThreadPool` class already provides a way to run a function in parallel.

Here is an updated version of the code that should work as intended:
from time import sleep
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool

def task():
    return 'all done'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with ThreadPool() as pool:
        result = pool.apply_async(task())
        value = result.get()
In this code, the
Explain simply what this function does:
def func(lst):
    if len(lst) == 0:
        return []
    if len(lst) == 1:
        return [lst]
    l = []
    for i in range(len(lst)):
        x = lst[i]
        remLst = lst[:i] + lst[i+1:]
        for p in func(remLst):
            l.append([x] + p)
    return l

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This function takes in a list of strings and returns a list of strings.

The function first checks if the length of the list is 0, in which case it returns an empty list.
If the length of the list is 1, it returns a list containing that list.
The function then iterates through the list and adds each element to a new list called lst.
The function then adds each element of the original list to the new list called remLst.
The function then loops through the list again and adds each element of the original list to the new list called lst[0:i] + remLst[i+1:] + lst[i+2:]
The function then returns the new list lst.

Input: [1, "hello", "world", "foo"]
Output: ["hello", "world", "foo"]
The function first checks if the length of the list is 0, in which case it returns an empty list.
If the length of the list is 1, it returns a list containing that list.
The function then iterates
Explain in a short paragraph quantum field theory to a high-school student.

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Quantum field theory is a theoretical framework that describes the behavior of particles at the smallest scales, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It is used to explain the behavior of particles that make up our world, like electrons and protons.

The basic idea behind quantum field theory is that particles can exist in multiple states or locations at once, and this is known as the "Many-Worlds Interpretation." According to this theory, every time a particle interacts with something, it can end up in a different location in the universe.

Quantum field theory is used to make predictions about the behavior of particles and the behavior of subatomic particles. It's used to explain the behavior of particles that make up our world, like electrons and protons.
Argue for and against the use of kubernetes in the style of a haiku.

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